Duchampian News & Views


    "The Marcel Duchamp Prize was created in 2000 by the ADIAF, (Association for the international distribution of French art), the largest group of private and amateur contemporary art collectors in France, as an initiative, amongst others, for promoting French artists internationally. Its aim is to encourage all new art forms that stimulate contemporary creation, and to give recognition to a promising artist living in France and working in the domain of the visual and plastic a.. read more...
  • Duchamp pipe for Enrico Donati

    "Marcel Duchamp carved a wooden pipe for Donati.

    Enrico Donati was a close friend of Marcel Duchamp, as well as a fellow surrealist painter.

    Donati says that there is no story behind this pipe and that it was given to him by Duchamp as a token of their friendship."

  • Marcel Duchamp’s famous statement on creativity

    "Marcel Duchamp, "The Creative Act" statement : "Let us consider two important factors, the two poles of the creation of art: the artist on the one hand, and on the other the spectator who later becomes the posterity... All in all, the creative act is not performed by the artist alone; the spectator brings the work in contact with the external world by deciphering and interpreting its inner qualification and thus adds his contribution to the creative act. This becomes even mo.. read more...
  • Duchamp’s concept “inframince”

    “Aesthetic concept developed by Marcel Duchamp for whom it generally characterised a thickness (“épaisseur”), a separation, a difference, an interval between two things, in general little perceptible. The inframince qualifies a distance or a difference that you cannot perceive, but that you can only imagine. The best example of it, is the ‘infra-mince separation between the bang of a gun (very near) and the mark of appearance of the mark of the bullet on the target.’ “

  • Duchamp en Buenos Aires

    "This DVD is a strictly limited edition catalogue of 1.000.
    Each numbered and hand signed by the artist, curator and researcher Marcelo Gutman. You can see a hand made video of the exhibition here [on YouTube] "

  • Marcel Duchamp’s masterwork

    “In 1969’s Art Bulletin, the Philadelphia Museum of Art’s newsletter, [the late] Anne d’Harnoncourt and Walter Hopps offered the history of and an analysis for Marcel Duchamp’s masterwork, Etant Donnés… Also included in the Bulletin was an amazing backstage look at the process. Between 1965 and 1968, Ducchamp’s studio was housed in suite 40 at 80 E. 11th Street in NYC, across from a union office. Denise Brown Hare visited him and captured the piece in progress.”

  • The Dada Baroness

    “One of the completely forgotten names–but a name well-known among the literati of the 1920’s–is that of Baroness Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven (1874-1927). This enigmatic, gender-bending artist, a friend and collaborator of Duchamp, Man Ray and Djuna Barnes, is considered by art historians to be the first New York Dadaist.”

  • He was ‘Nouveau’ when it was new

    Robbe-Grillet and the other so-called New Novelists, including Michel Butor, Nathalie Sarraute and Claude Simon, wanted to do in literature what others had done in art ­ just as Marcel Duchamp had deconstructed human motion in "Nude Descending a Staircase" and the Abstract Expressionists had valorized gesture, the movement of a brush stroke itself, over representation. Robbe-Grillet believed that writing should reveal the archaeology of its own construction, sho.. read more...
  • The Société Anonyme: Modernism for America

    Exhibition Venues • Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, CA: April 23–August 20, 2006 • The Phillips Collection, Washington, DC: October 14, 2006–January 21, 2007 • Dallas Museum of Art, TX: June 10–September 16, 2007 • Frist Center for the Visual Arts, Nashville, TN: October 26, 2007–February 3, 2008 • Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, CT: Fall 2010 .. read more...