Duchampian News & Views

  • Muybridge as Modernist Muse

    "Eadweard Muybridge understood that a single photograph was of little use when you are trying to understand the movement of an subject. Movement is inherently a function of moving through time and space. Muybridge's genius was that the even though a single photograph could only reveal a frozen moment in the movement of an object, a series of photographs are able to reveal a much more accurate description of movement...In Picasso and Duchamp's paintings, it is difficult to tel.. read more...
  • A Little Dust, to Give a Room Character

    "Several of the most influential modernist artists made much of dust. Marcel Duchamp grew it on plates of glass, and Man Ray photographed the results in a famous photo called "Dust Breeding." The glass was varnished and went on to become part of "The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even," which you can see at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. ".. read more...
  • Joseph Kosuth

    ” A chair sits alongside a photograph of a chair and a dictionary definition of the word chair. Perhaps all three are chairs, or codes for one: a visual code, a verbal code, and a code in the language of objects, that is, a chair of wood. But isn’t this last chair simply . . . a chair? Or, as Marcel Duchamp asked in his Bicycle Wheel of 1913, does the inclusion of an object in an artwork somehow change it? “

  • Marcel Duchamp

    “A tribute to Marcel Duchamp.”

  • Last work of surrealist Marcel Duchamp discovered

    “The last ever art work created by the influential French surrealist Marcel Duchamp has been discovered in an apartment in in northeastern Spain…

    The artist is believed to be responsible for a corner fireplace built within the residence in the resort of Cadaques in Catalonia where he spent the final months before his death in October 1968. “

  • Surrealist Art – Intro

    "In 1941, Breton went to the United States, where he co-founded the short-lived magazine VVV with Max Ernst, Marcel Duchamp, and the American artist David Hare. However, it was the American poet, Charles Henri Ford, and his magazine View which offered Breton a channel for promoting Surrealism in the United States. The View special issue on Duchamp was crucial for the public understanding of Surrealism in America." .. read more...
  • Art object’ stickers mysteriously appear, stirring discussion

    “No one knows where the dots came from, said Benjamin Shahin…’They are everywhere downtown. You’ll see light poles valued at $1,’ Shahin said… The stickers suggest a notion by the late French artist Marcel Duchamp of “ready-made” art: that an artist can elevate an ordinary object to the status of art simply by designating it as such, he said.”

  • Original Copies: ‘The Art of Appropriation’ at MoMA

    “Nearby, Duchamp’s “L.H.O.O.Q. Shaved” (1965) consists simply of a playing-card image of the “Mona Lisa” mounted on a sheet signed by the artist. The artist has left this portrait mustache-less, unlike his infamous “L.H.O.O.Q.” of nearly a half-century before.” Exhibition until November 10 2008

  • Chess from Duchamp to Damien Hirst

    “In 1927, Marcel Duchamp…married a young heiress called Lydie Sarazin-Lavassor. The honeymoon did not go well. “Duchamp spent most of the week studying chess problems,” recalled the artist’s close friend Man Ray, “and his bride, in desperate retaliation, got up one night when he was asleep and glued the chess pieces to the board.”