Duchampian News & Views

  • Agreement between Proa and MAM-SP for Duchamp in Latin America

    MAM – MUSEU DE ARTE MODERNA DE SÃO PAULO: 15 July - 21 September, 2008 FUNDACION PROA: November 19, 2008 - February, 2009 "Two years after an intensive investigation and production, Fundación Proa today shares with the MAM-SP the success obtained from the critics and public for the exhibition Marcel Duchamp: a work that is not a work "of art", inaugurated in São Paulo last July 15, constituting the artist's largest individual s.. read more...
  • The art factory and the death of the connoisseur

    “In Duchamp’s day the ‘art world’ was tiny and the initiates were
    ready for a breakthrough­for new ideas and new media, for ‘dada’­and
    the big money wasn’t there. Once we accept that the artist’s hand is
    no longer necessary, only his idea, it’s a short leap to market the
    concept that beauty is not only no longer essential, it can even be
    turned into a dirty, elitist’ word.”

  • Duchamp’s mystery

    ” He is famous. No doubt about it. He led the artists of his time to one of the greatest revolutions of all. He changed the whole idea of art, of what it is. And yet, was he actually laughing at his private joke? Laughing at those who followed him, believing they were following a new belief. Laughing that he had us all fooled, us who took his word. If it is true that it was all a lie, Would it make a difference? “

  • le duchamp (2008) by Rafael Rozendaal

    "Brand new work by artist Rafael Rozendaal. Be sure to also check out Rozendaal’s JELLOTIME.COM, which was a Rhizome Commission in 2008."

  • View A Nous La Liberte

    “A Nous La Liberte – Criterion Collection was an incredible movie! Both Jean Brlin and Inge Frss were amazing! The great cast includes Jean Brlin, Inge Frss, Francis Picabia, Marcel Duchamp, Man Ray…One of the all-time great comedy classics, Ren Clair’s Nous la Libert is a skillful satire of the industrial revolution and the blind quest for wealth. Deftly integrating his signature musical-comedy technique with pointed social criticism.”

  • Duchamp’s urinal and Tracey Emin’s Bed

    JJ Xi & Cai Yuan . Two Artists jump on Tracy Emin's Bed. Performance at Tate Britain, London, 1999 Image source "WHEN CHINESE performance artists Yuan Chai and Jian Jun Xi tried to urinate in a replica of Marcel Duchamp's famous latrine in the Tate Modern in 2000, their behaviour showed a distinct pattern. A year earlier, the duo had jumped up and down on the work of the unvictorious Turner Prize nominee, Tracey Emin. They called their performance Two Naked Men Jump Int.. read more...
  • Why more Dadaism?

    “For nearly fifty years, since Pop Art began and dethroned the “high art” seriousness of Abstract Expressionism as a manifestation of elitism, the inheritance of Dadaism has ruled the art world. This philosophy, promulgated first 100 years ago by Marcel Duchamp and his colleagues, declares that art in the prior sense of a directed, purposeful activity separate from and “above” everyday reality, is an outmoded concept.”

  • Jump And Piss

    “On Oct 24th,1999, at London’s Tate Gallery, the artists, JJ Xi
    (b.1962) and Cai Yuan (b.1956) stripped down to their underpants before jumping on top of Emin’s bed and engaging in a pillow fight…Yet, this wasn’t conservative iconoclasm. What was at stake in the performance, Two Artists Jump on Tracey Emin’s Bed, was the horizon of the Duchampian readymade.”

  • Epitaph, Poetry by Robert Desnos

    ” In 1922 he published his first book, a collection of surrealistic aphorisms, with the title Rrose Selavy (based upon the name (pseudonym) of the popular French artist Marcel Duchamp).”