Duchampian News & Views

  • Getting the Picture: Illustrated Letters in the Archives of American Art
    at the Smithsonian

    The Smithsonian Museum’s Archives of American Art is currently presenting an exhibit of artist’s illustrated letters selected by Archives of American Art Curator of Manuscripts Liza Kirwin.  The exhibit encompesses letters from the early 1900s through the 1980s and includes letters written by Marcel Duchamp.

  • R. Mutt sticker

    "If you want to turn your toilet into a work of art, how about adorning it with this R. Mutt sticker from Thwart Design? Replicating the 'R. Mutt 1917' signature that Marcel Duchamp put on the original Fountain, does adding the sticker to your loo make it a work of art? It's an interesting thought and continues the question that Duchamp raised with the original piece. Buy your sticker for 15 euros at Atypyk and join in by making your own ready-made sculpture.".. read more...
  • “Marcel Duchamp: a work that is not a work of art” extended for one more week

    The popular exhibition "Marcel Duchamp: a work that is not a work of art" in La Boca, Buenos Aires will continue for an extra week.  The exhibition, which opened on November 22, 2008, was a huge sucess and has recieved 30,000 visitors.  It features 123 works by Duchamp, including objects, works on paper, and photographs, and will close Febuary 8, 2009.

  • SMS Listening Party

    Dissonent Plane, an experimental music store in Seattle, is partenering with Davidson Galleries to present an SMS listening party.  SMS is a "series of six portfolios of multiples released in 1968 by the surrealist William Copley" and "six of the works in the SMS portfolios are sound pieces", including a phonograph record by Marcel Duchamp.  The party will be tonight at 7 pm and will last three hours.

  • Canada’s Only Stop: Prized Surrealist Art at the AGO this Summer

    "This summer, reality will be suspended at the Art Gallery of Ontario as it welcomes Surreal Things, an innovative exhibition organized by London’s Victoria and Albert Museum. A Canadian exclusive which runs May 9 to August 30, 2009, this is the first exhibition to examine the influence of Surrealism on the world of design as expressed in, theatre, interiors, fashion, film, architecture, and advertising. The show explores how some of the greatest artists of the 20t.. read more...
  • The National Portrait Galley to exhibit
    “Inventing Marcel Duchamp: The Dynamics of Portraiture”

    The National Portrait Gallery in Washington D.C will exhibit "Inventing Marcel Duchamp: The Dynamics of Portraiture" from March 27, 2009 to August 2, 2009.  The exhibit features portraits and self-portraits of Duchamp, many of which have never been exhibited before, in order to "demonstrate that Duchamp harnessed the power of portraiture and self-portraiture both to secure his reputation as an iconoclast and to establish himself as a major figure in the ar.. read more...
  • MoMA Deifies Dada’s Top Dog, But Husband, Wife Steal Show

    In a review of the Museum of Modern Art's Dada exhibition, Mario Naves contends that Duchamp's readymades have wrongly "become 20th century classics", while Duchamp himself has been "set...up as a deity".  Naves believes that Duchamp himself, who once said "I threw the bottlerack and urinal into their faces as a challenge and now they admire them for their aesthetic beauty",  would have viewed this "with amused contempt". .. read more...
  • Societe Anonyme

    In 2007 the Phillips Collection in Washington DC launched its Center for the Study of Moden Art with the exhibit "Societe  Anonyme".  The exhibit is named after an orginization founded by Marcel Duchamp, Katherine Dreier, and Man Ray.  Societe Anoyme's goals were "to break down the prejudice which exists against the new approach to art" and to "stay ahead or abreast of the times...to stimulate the imagination and inventive attitude of A.. read more...
  • “Surrealism and Beyond” at the Cincinnati Art Museum

    The Cincinnati Art Museum will be the only venue in the US to show the traveling exhibit  "Surrealism and Beyond: In the Israel Museum, Jerusalem", which showcases Dada and Surrealist art from the collection of the Israel Museum.  The exhibit features 234 pieces, starting from the beginning of the Dada movement and ending with recent  works.  It includes such artists as Marcel Duchamp, Man Ray, and Rene Magritte, and runs from Febuary 15 to May 1.. read more...