Duchampian News & Views

  • Mathieu Briand’s
    “In Memorial of Albert Hofmann 1906-2008”

    The artist Mathieu Brand has created the exhibtion "In Memorial of Albert Hofman 1906-2008" as an homage to Hofman, the scinetist who created LSD.  The exhibition seeks to "challenge all the senses" while also developing parallels between Hofman and various artists, including Marcel Duchamp.  It features many works which are homages to works by Duchamp including "Holy Stability", which is made of a scale with a Bible on one side and a c.. read more...
  • Andrei Codrescu interview on WSN Radio

    Andrei Codrescu, the author of the new book "The Posthuman Dada Guide" was interviewed by WSN Radio.  He is the author of 40 books of essays, poetry, and fiction and the winner of a Peabody award for the PBS version of his book Road Scholar.  His new book is an encylopedic look at the history of Dada and a "guide for instructing posthumans in living a Dada life."  Click on the link to here the interview.

  • Poem about Marcel Duchamp

    An online poetry contest features a poem about Marcel Duchamp.  The poem, titled "Little Triolet with Toilet", references the work of Marcel Duchamp as well as the surrealist Meret Oppenheimer.

  • “Abstract Cinema and Technology” at the MoCA North Miami

    The Museum of Contempory Art in North Miami is currently showing the exhibition "Abstract Cinema and Technology" which "explores how technological innovations from the 1920s to the present provided new ways for artists to create abstract moving images".  The exhibtiton features the 1926 film Anemic Cinema, a collaboration between Marcel Duchamp and Man Ray, as well as work by other Dada artists such as Hans Richter.  It includes artists from.. read more...
  • “Art is Arp” at the Arp Museum Banhoff Rolandseck

    The Arp Museum Bahnof Rolandseck is currently showing the exhibititon "Art is Arp", "one of the most comprehensive retrospectives on Hans Arp ever undertaken".  The exhibit, which runs until June 14, includes "over 100 drawings, collages, sculptures, and reliefs" as well as numerous texts, photographs, and other documents made by Arp, the founder of the Zurich Dada movement.  Although the exhibit includes w.. read more...
  • Futurism Exhibit in Rome

    To celebrate the 100th anniversy of the publication of The Futurist Manifesto, the Scuderie del Quirinale in Rome is currently showing an exhibition of futurist work and the art that was influanced by it, including works by Georges Braque, Picasso, Umberto Boccioni, Marcel Duchamp, and  Francis Picabia.  The centenial celebration is happening all over the world and will also include a traveling exhibition and performances, including a performance by Brian Eno. .. read more...
  • “In Sight” at the Laumeier Sculpture Park

    The Laumeier Sculpture Park in St Louis is currently showing "In Sight: Selections from the Collection", and exhibition of "rarely-seen works, unique ephemera and recent acquisitions from its extensive collection of contemporary art." The exhibit includes sculpture, videos, books, and sound art.  It also includes Laumier's collection of "S.M.S" portfolios, a 1968 project by surrealist artist William Copley which feature six portfolios by var.. read more...
  • SMS Listening Party Recap

    "The next piece we listened to may be considered the pièce de résistance of the SMS Portfolios.  Marcel Duchamp’s cover for SMS #2 consists of a seven-minute recording of Duchamp playing contrapetrie, a Surrealist word game that creates meaningful phrases from similar-sounding words.  A spiralling example printed on the opposite side of the record, “Esquivons les ecchymoses des Esquimaux aux mots exquis,” (literally “Let us.. read more...
  • The Creative Act-BLOT vs Marcel Duchamp

    "This is our interpretation of a paper by Marcel Duchamp, presented to the convention of the American Federation of Arts in Houston, Texas, April 1957. The narration is by Duchamp himself, and the stop motion animation is done by Thiruda at the Louvre in Paris and the National Gallery of Art in Barcelona in late 2008."