Duchampian News & Views

  • “Surrealism and Beyond” at
    the Cincinnati Museum of Art

    "Surrealism and Beyond", which runs until May 17 at the Cincinnati Museum of Art, showcases surrealist and dada art from the collection of the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. Cincinatti is the only US venue for the exhibit, which " features a glorious mix of works by every major figure from the dada and surrealist movements: Jean Arp, Salvador Dali, Paul Delvaux, Marcel Duchamp, Max Ernst, Hannah Hoch, Rene Magritte, Man Ray and Kurt Schwitters,.. read more...
  • Duchamp: Artist as Celebrity

    In a review of the show "Inventing Marcel Duchamp:The Dynamics of Portraiture" at the National Portrait Galley, Blake Gopnik argues that " for Duchamp, portraiture was all about demolishing our stale ideas about an artist - or a person - as a single, stable thing."  Rather than use his self-portraits to present himself as he actually was and define his identity, Duchamp used them to invent several alternate identities, including R.Mutt and Rrose Selev.. read more...
  • Marcel Duchamp and Portraiture

    In her article New Smithsonian exhibt shows Marcel Duhcamp's influance on Warhol, Jasper Johns, Marsha Ducbrow defends the National Portrait Gallery's decision to show an exhibit about Marcel Duhamp, an artist not known for his portraits.  She belives that while Duchamp did not actually make many portraits, he "revolutionized portraiture. And he greatly influenced artists including Andy Warhol, Jasper Johns, among other key 20th and 21st century artists whose work.. read more...
  • A Pleasing Secret History: Andrei Codrescu’s Posthuman Dada Guide

    Eli Epstein-Deutsch reviews Andrei Codrescu's new book, The Posthuman Dada Guide , which he calls, "a hard-edged, rapier-like volume, perfect for sliding into a back pocket of skinny hipster pants or stabbing into the complacent underbelly of bourgeois (or bourgeois-bohemian) society...it offers a headier-than-usual tour of the early-1900s avant-garde, sprinkled with sex appeal for the would-be MySpace-age revolutionary.".. read more...
  • The Stettheimer Dollhouse

    A new book, The Stettheimer Dollhouse, tells the fascinating story of the Stettheimer Dollhouse.  The dollhouse was built  over nearly two decades by Carrie Walter Stettheimer, starting in the 1920s.  What makes the dollhouse extraordinary is that all the art on its walls consists of minature versions of famous paintings.  Stettheimer knew many of the great artists of her time personally, so these reproductions are often by the original artist.  One s.. read more...
  • “The Quick and the Dead” at the Walker Art Center

    From April 25 to September 27,The Walker Art Center in Minneapolis, MN will show the exhibit "The Quick and the Dead" which focuses on the history of conceptual art.  The exhibit "juxtaposes a core group of works from the 1960s and ‘70s with more recent examples that might only loosely qualify as conceptual" and includes many works that have never been shown before.  It also includes work by Marcel Duchamp as well as other innovators in the.. read more...
  • Marcel Duchamp & l’erotisme

    The new book "Marcel Duchamp & l’érotisme gathers  the "contributions of international art historians and critics for a symposium on the theme Marcel Duchamp & erotisme in Orleans University, France" in 2005.  The book is available only in French.

  • Experimental Dada Films

    Click on the link to view experimental Dada films by Hans Richter, Marcel Duchamp, and Viking Eggeling

  • Modern Art Explained
    :What Do You Think?

    The Times online is asking readers for their opinions on Marcel Duchamp’s 1917 work Fountain.  The Times encourages readers to email their opinion on the ground-breaking art and will publish a selection of the responses, along with comments by an expert.  Click on the link to view other’s comments or submit you own.