Duchampian News & Views

  • Partnership Between MoMA and High Museum of Art

    This summer, the High Museum of Art in Atlanta will launch a partnership with New York's Museum of Modern Art with an exhibition of Cluade Monet's Water Lilly paintings.  The three-year partnership will produce several short rotating exhibits as well as longer large exhibits.  Planned exhbits include a 2011 show featuring works by 12 modern art pioneers, including Marcel Duchamp.  The partnership which is modeled on the High Museum's previous collaboration with.. read more...
  • Fountain

    "Marcel Duchamp’s Fountain is a uniquely confounding piece. On the one hand, placed in the context of a gallery, Fountain is validated as a work of art; still the piece does not conform to canonical expectations of how a sculpture should look. The work is ostensibly a porcelain urinal – albeit nonfunctioning – turned ninety degrees on its side. The lone conventionally artistic thing the viewer can discern is the artist’s ‘signature.’ I.. read more...
  • “Marcel Duchamp: Chess Master” at the St. Louis University Museum

    Throughout his life, Marcel Duchamp was an enthusiastic and skilled chess player, even declaring at one point that he had given up art in order to play chess.  In 1924, he was declared Chess Master by the French Chess Federation.  However, instead of giving up art for chess, he used chess to inform and inspire his art.  The  exhibit "Marcel Duchamp: Chess Master", which opens at the St. Louis University Museum on May 6, is the first exhibit to fo.. read more...
  • Jennifer Shahade Recreates Famous Photo of Marcel Duchamp

    Jennifer Shahade, two-time winner of the World Chess Championship and contibuter to the book "Marcel Duchamp: The Art of Chess", recently recreated a famous 1963 photograph of Duchamp.  The original photograph, which was taken by Julian Wasser at the Pasadena Art Museum, showed Duchamp playing chess against a naked woman.  Shahade's version is a video instead of a photo and shows her playing against a naked man.  The game they play is based on a ga.. read more...
  • Moeller Fine Art Berlin Opening Exhibition

    Longtime New York art dealer Achim Moeller is opening a new gallery, called Moeller Fine Art Berlin.  The gallery’s opening exhbition, "Ouverture" opens on April 28 and includes work by many contermpory artists as well as masterpieces by such artists as Marcel Duchamp, Paul Klee, and Wasilly Kandinsky.   The exhibtion will be shown in Palais Eger, a Beller Epoque  palace in Berlin. 

  • Male Version of Etant Donnes

    The artist Paul Kos created a male version of Marcel Duchamp’s Etant donnés entitled Zizi Va ! for the di Rosa Art Preserve in Napa, California.

  • Erwin Blumenfeld: I Was Nothing But a Berliner,
    Dada Montages 1916-1933

    In her new book “Erwin Blumenfeld: I Was Nothing But a Berliner, Dada Montages 1916-1933", Helen Adkins collects and annotates the little-seen dada colleges of Erwin Blumenfeld.  Although Blumenfeld was a famous and much sought-after fashion photographer, his colleges were mostly "given away as gifts and sent as letters" and are only being rediscovered now.

  • L’Art: Gas lighting

    "Opening this week it the Garrick Player’s production of The Gas Heart, a nonsensical play derived from the Dada art movement in the 1920’s…The Gas Heart was written by one of the key figures of the Dada movement, Tristan Tzara. The play, as described by the Tzara, is the greatest three-act hoax of the century"

  • Theater Review:
    Ambitious play at OU proves rewarding

    "A play that tries to do almost too much — dealing with love, Lenin, Dada and the "death of art” in a little over two hours — gets enough of it right to make a vivid impression on spectators. 'The Dada Play,' a script by visiting Canadian author Mieko Ouchi, is on stage through Sunday at the University of Oklahoma’s Lab Theatre in Old Science Hall.".. read more...