Glissière contenant un moulin à eau (en métaux voisins). Oil and semicircular glass, lead,lead wire. 147 x 79 cm. The Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA,USA.

Glissière contenant un moulin à eau (en métaux voisins). Oil and semicircular glass, lead,lead wire. 147 x 79 cm. The Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA,USA.
1914-15. 64 x 102 cm. Oil, lead wire, lead foil on glass between two glass plates. Private collection
1921/64. Readymade: 152 marble cubes in the form of sugar cubes with thermometer and cuttlefishbone in a birdcage. 12.4 x 22.2 x 16.2 cm. Private collection. “Why Not Sneeze?, with its suggestions of weight (heavy marble), promised sweetness (fake sugar cubes), missing warmth (thermometer), poetry (birdsong), arrested flight (cuttlebone and birdcage) and art (Cubism, and also the use of marble) seems to have a message.”
Réseaux des stoppages étalon . Paris 1914. Oil and pencil on canvas, 58 5/8″ x 6′ 5 5/8″ (148.9 x 197.7 cm). Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Fund and gift of Mrs. William Sisler. © 2006 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris / Estate of Marcel Duchamp
1917/1964. Readymade: porcelain urinal. 23.5 x 18 cm, hight 60 cm. Private collection.
1913. Readymade: bicycle wheel, diameter 64.8 cm, mounted on a stool, 60.2 cm high. Original lost. Replica. Private collection.
1914/64. Readymade: bottle rack made of galvanized iron. 59 x 37 cm. Original lost. Replica. Private collection.
1916. Readymade: Ball of string between two brass plates held together by four screws. 12.9 x 13 x 11.4 cm. The Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA, USA.